Music Section Added
We recently added a section to browse original songs. A step beyond just chord and lyrics, each entry will be a compilation of early recorded demos & video sketches to help better illustrate the creative process.
The overview page URL is …
and a great example to start with is the song “Motor Kine” which imagines the singer as a motorcycle raging to surf breaks down through the Baja Peninsula of Mexico. Three recorded demos are available in the media player. The chords and lyrics are available as well. At the bottom of the page are 3 videos from the YouTube channel which follow the songwriting process in a friends garage, all the way to the first public performance of the song. In the earliest video, you can see me reading from a notebook the lyrics that were scratched down hours before hashing out word emphasis, diction, and rhythm. The following recording flows with more confidence as the rhythm section locks in and finds the groove, then when we open for a friends band in Encinitas, CA we blow out all stops.
Here is the URL for the song Motor Kine by the Ram…
If you want to have a backing track to the song, you are in luck. Use the mobile or Desktop app iRealPro and download the charts here for your use…
As with the rest of the site, updates are taking place regularly. As each original song profile is completed, it will be added to the learn page for future reference. Enjoy.