Mental Revenge | 3.29.2024
Mental Revenge is a Waylon Jennings cover performed at The Camp Store, South Carlsbad State Beach Carlsbad, CA
Welcome back to my regular weekly Wednesday jam. This one goes out to all the Waylon fans there are out there, for there will never be another voice like his, nor a rhythm section like his legendary band. His bass and drums are the sound of a title fighter, and as far as I’m concerned, that voice is the incarnate voice of God himself.
Being a 70s kid raised on the Dukes of Hazard, Waylon’s voice grew into what I imaged to be the voice of God almighty. This song is a doozy, it gets the blood flowing, it’s one of my favorite songs, to listen to and perform, period. Its delivery can be boiled down to just ‘a take no shit from anyone’ message, written at a time when country music was overflowing with men crying in their beers about 2 timing women. I think I first heard it on one of my all time favorite albums ‘Waylon Live’, when you can hear , Ralph Mooney at the full height of his musical abilities. He’s hands down one of my favorite soloists across all genres.