Ram’s Dead, Vol. 1: Studio Notes

Substack- Ram's Dead, Vol. 1: Studio Notes

Recording notes from these sessions, from winter 2023 through late summer.

Garcia (and Hunter) were some of the best damn storytellers to have ever lived. Even so, I’m trying hard to come up with a good reason why I decided to start recording Grateful Dead covers when I have more than enough original music to finish up. The music knows where to go, it’s up to us to follow the signals, sometimes taking the scenic route is the best way to get to where we need to be. 

2023 was a good winter for woodshedding, more snow than I had seen in my life in the Sierras, and San Diego was constant rain storms. Many trips to Mammoth last year, so much so I was just about snowboarded out by new years. Surf was abysmal last winter, luckily music was there for me back in the home studio.

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